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BWLF/Her Rising - UX Web Design


Context: The BWLF/Her Rising - UX Web Design project was initiated as my senior capstone project for my Information Science major, providing an opportunity to work with real-world clients and revamp the online presence of two non-profit organizations. Initially focusing on the Burkina Faso Women's Leadership Fund's website and later expanding to include Her Rising, the projects aimed to enhance usability and attractiveness to effectively communicate the missions of empowering women and girls.



Problem: The challenge stemmed from the difficulty faced by potential donors and partners in understanding the organizations' objectives and impact due to outdated websites and limited social media engagement. The original process lacked user-friendliness, resulting in frustration and decreased engagement among visitors. There was a need to streamline the user experience, improve accessibility, and develop a social media strategy to increase exposure and donations.

Tools: Figma, HTML/CSS

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