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iSchool Alumni Network Redesign

Context: I had the opportunity to participate in UMD’s Terps Makeathon 2021. Terps Makeathon is a 24-hour hackathon where teams get together and complete design challenges from the sponsors; in this case, the University of Maryland’s iSchool Alumni Network. I was on a team of four. 



Problem: iSchool Alumni have the opportunity to enjoy free and discounted UMD events and iSchool events for lifelong learning, networking, or just for fun! But many iSchool students and recent graduates are unaware of these services and so don’t join the iSchool Alumni Network. There is a huge disconnect between how the iSchool Alumni Network advertises itself to recent grads, and how the recent grads experience the Alumni Network. They both want to provide/gain opportunities to network and connect, but the page information did not incentivize or engage the target audience. Both alumni and the iSchool Alumni Network are left without the chance to experience each other. 


24 hours


Figma, Google Forms 


My Role:

UX/UI Designer 

The Process
Research —> Ideation —> design —> prototype 

We conducted user research through a survey questionnaire and analyzed the data collected to determine our targeted users’ needs, wants, and pain points. We targeted the survey toward graduate and undergraduate iSchool students. 

Survey Insights:

  • Only 50% of students were aware of the iSchool Alumni Network

  • 90% of recent iSchool grads prioritized networking and helpful resources as the most important benefit they want from the alumni network

  • 70% of them use other tools such as LinkedIn for networking and job searching

  • Internship/experience building events and resources were most important for current students

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Ideation and Design

After the initial user research was conducted and key insights were gained, we used that data to inform the sketches that followed. 

Current Website homepage
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Homepage Redesign - Web & Mobile
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Event calendar
Prototype Video

Our team's design was chosen to be the second-place prize winner of the iSchool challenge.

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